snake surgery
Dennis is a phd student here working with terciopelos. he surgically implants radio transmitters into adults which he then releases back into the field to track their movements day and night. here are pictures from the last implantation. the snake was a little slow coming back too (it was under anethesia, dont worry). dennis has to actually give them mouth to mouth to bring them back out from the anethesia. its more mouth to straw to mouth, but still too close to the poisonous end of the snake, if you ask my opinion. and then once they have sufficiently recovered they are released back into the field. so dennis can carefreely crash after them (the transmitter gives him about a 2 meter acuracy radius). hmmm. but what about the terciopelos that ARENT tagged you might ask. yeah, i ask that too. i've come across 3 of them in the field in the past 2 weeks. thats pretty frequent for snakes that arent active during the day. and mauricio threw sticks at the first 2 to piss them off. he claims he was trying to make them leave. i know he just wanted to throw things at them. but i laid my foot down on the last snake. there was no stick throwing, at least none that i saw

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